As the honorable and classic sneaker have been forgoten by people,this is Air Jordan 10. In 1993,when Michael Jordan say goodbye to his beloved basketball court which have recorded numberous miraculous moment of his basketball career,it seems as if the future of the Air Jordan series was quite gloomy.The release of this Air Jordan 10 was durning the period when Michael Jordan have left the basketabll court for one year and people all though that he won't return.So, the release of this version was aimed to memorial Michael Jordan and have a conclusion to the passed glorous achievement of Michael Jordan.All the great achievement of Michael Jordan was designed in the sole. The radiance,honored basketball career of Michael Jordan was featured in differnet letters which contains numerous power and a lot of unforgetable and excited moment. Twenty years of ups and downs,the Nike Air Jordans have recorded the triumph and failure of Air Jordan series,while,the Air Jordan 10 also come back to us with the retro trend.Although it is ordinary,it also have great historic significant that always worth memorial.And they are on hot selling on our Kobe And KD Shoes website.