The end is actually approaching, parents are repairing the brand new Kevin Durant 6 Shoes when the innovative clothes for themselves, they didn't forget to pick next year for the children new clothes new shoes, so kids can "New Year's donning new kids shoes. " But how to choose a set of shoes qualified and risk-free, it is today a significant public problem! They have notified test results, the shoes usually are mostly substandard products rate about 30%. 2014 Nike Kevin Durant 6 Shoes are closely based on the "eat, use, play" several things, shopping malls, grocery stores, infant supplies stores, primary and secondary schools the surrounding shops and also the sale of children's nutrition, clothing, kids shoes, gadgets, stationery and other exams were compared, children's shoes and qualified rate is a lowest, 55 sample batch of 20 batches of low quality quality compliance rate is only 63. 6 %. Here are some events so that buyers have to re-examine the quality of children's shoes! Spring shoes We have a coup: a brand new choice test foot cushion for wearing,and you could enjoy low price if your place order on our Kobe And KD Shoes website.